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Silky, slightly chewy egg noodles are a perfect base for hundreds of Asian dishes. Now you can make them yourself!

 2 hours               Serves 4-5

Noodle dough

2 cups all purpose white flour/ whole wheat flour (or a mix of the two)

2 eggs

50-60 ml water


Cornstarch for dusting

Water to boil



You will need:

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  1. Measure out flour in a large wide bowl.

  2. Crack in the eggs and begin to mix using your hand kept flat and going in circular motions. Mix until the egg has been evenly incorporated. At this stage, the dough will be quite dry with lots of lumps.

  3. Adding water little by little, bring the dough together until you have a cohesive mass. Knead the dough until it's smooth. This will take about 10 minutes.

  4. Wrap in cling film and rest for 30 minutes in the refrigerator.

  5. After 30 minutes, take the dough out and sandwich it between a sheet of plastic. (I trim the sides of a clean plastic bag and use it for this.) 

  6. Flatten the dough horizontally by bashing it using a rolling pin, or anything heavy and easily holdable. (I used a stone pestle.) 

  7. Once the dough is half an inch in thickness, fold it in an envelope fold. (Fold over the left third to the centre, then fold the right third over it.)

  8. Rotate the dough 90° and repeat the bashing and folding process thrice.

  9. After that's done, wrap the flattened dough back again and rest for another 30 minutes in the refrigerator.

  10. Finally, take the dough out after resting and portion it into 3.

  11. Working one portion at a time, keep the rest covered. Coat the dough in flour and roll out on a well-floured surface. (I used my pasta machine for this as it makes things a lot easier, but you can definitely achieve the same result with a rolling pin.)

  12. Once the dough is rolled out to a thin, almost translucent thickness, dust it liberally with cornstarch, fold to a manageable width and begin cutting the noodles as per your desired size.

  13. Cook the noodles in salted boiling water for no more than 30-40 seconds.


These noodles can be used in any Asian noodle dish such as ramen, curries, stir-fries, etc. You can store these in an airtight box for 2-3 days in the refrigerator.


Recipe by Elaine Zluo 



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